How to set up the opera browser. How to set up opera on a computer

 The process of installing the Opera browser on a Windows computer is quite simple, but for those who are used to learning how to do something first, and only then do it, in this article we will look at how to install the Opera browser on a computer. To do this, you need to download the official version of the Opera browser (how to do this is described in detail in → this article). Then double-click on the downloaded file with the left mouse button. This will start the process of installing Opera on your computer. Starting the installation process of Opera on your computer For security reasons, when installing new programs on a computer, you need to confirm that this is done in a sober mind and solid memory. Therefore, this window will appear first: Starting the installation process of Opera on your computer It asks: "Run this file?". If this is indeed an Opera installation file downloaded from the official site, as described by the link in the introduction to this article, t

360 Total Security Free Antivirus Review

 360 Total Security Free Antivirus Review

360 Total Security is a free antivirus program that includes not only an antivirus engine, but also features for optimizing your computer, including speeding up the system by configuring services and autoloading applications, as well as cleaning the system of unnecessary files to free up more space on your hard drive, registry cleaning, and many other additional tools. In other words, 360 Total Security is a complete security solution for your computer. If you do not need all these additional tools, but only need an antivirus, then Qihoo 360 (the developer of these programs) offers a separate product that includes only an antivirus - this is 360 Total Security Essential.

With the help of 360 Total Security, you can install various Windows updates (functionality, of course, can be disabled), run suspicious programs in the Sandbox so that the application does not harm the system (useful in cases where you are not sure about the program, and you do not want this program to make any changes to the system that will adversely affect the stability of this system).

360 Total Security includes not only its own antivirus engines 360 QVMII AI Engine and 360 Cloud Scan Engine, but also third-party engines Avira and Bitdefender, which have proven themselves very well in the antivirus market, but they are disabled by default, they must be enabled manually . By itself, the standard protection of 360 Total Security is not bad, but it will be much better if you turn on third-party engines, while it should be understood that the load on the system will increase significantly.

Antivirus 360 Total Security is implemented for such platforms as: Windows, Mac and Android (the Android version, by the way, is among the best antivirus programs for this platform).